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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Colour Me Beeaautiful (:

On Friday the 15th of October we had a very enjoyable workshop called Colour Me Beautiful.We were introduced to two women who reminded me of Trinny and Susannah :L They told us that by the end of the day we would all know what colours suit our skin/hair, what body shape we have and what style personality we are. Our class were divided into six groups depending on our hair, skin and eye colour. There was soft, deep, light, clear, cool and warm. At first I was told that I was in the soft group but a few minutes later it was decided that I was actually suited for the deep group. An example of a famous 'deep' person is Cheryl Cole (: A girl from each group went up to model the different colours that suited each group using coloured fabrics. Deeps suit dark colours such as red and purple.

We then did a style personality quiz based on what kind of clothes we wear and what we do to make ourselves look good. I am a 'Romantic' style personality. This means I like pretty detail in clothes such as lace and bows, I love wearing make up and take ages to get ready to go out..This suited me down to the ground :L The different types of body shapes were also explained to us and we were told that it doesn't matter what size you are whether you're a size 6 or 16, they're just numbers, you just have to find the style that suits you (:

This was a great experience and these tips will be very useful when out shopping for clothes :D

Ciara Xxx

Monday, October 11, 2010

Mini Company :)

Mimi company is one of the main projects that we do in Ty. We have mini company classes, a single on Mondays and a double on Thursdays. In these classes we have been divided into groups and have come up with ideas for our productions. My group consists of Me, Laura, Grace, Sarah, Aoife and Eileen. We have decided to do a cookbook for our company. We are still thinking about names for our book and what recipies we will have in it. We will have different themed sections such as Christmas, Halloween and Sleepover ideas.

 We attended a mini company workshop in the Moate Theatre, Naas on the 20th of September. It was very interesting and we got plenty of ideas that we hadn't thought of before. After the workshop we went to McDonalds, Yumm :L We have three more workshops throughout the year on the20th of October, 15th of November and one in January that is still to be confirmed. This is a different yet enjoyable experience and the workshops are a chance to get talking to people from other schools and hear what ideas they have. (:

Ciara Xxx  

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Geography Project (Y)

In Geography we have been assigned by our teacher, Mrs. Leahy,  to do a World Trip project. We were put into groups of three and picked two countires each. In my group I am doing Italy and Russia, Laura is doing South Africa and China and Grace is doing New Zealand and Brazil. We first must make a factfile an each of our coutries and after this factfile we must make a powerpoint presentation only including pieces of information from our factfile. At the current time I am working on my factfile on Italy. I am writing about landmarks in Italy such as the Trevi fountain in Rome and the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Pisa, and places that should be visited if you go to Italy on holidays. It is a fun experience and I am learning a lot of information :)
Ciara Xxx

Fun Walk =)

Friday the 24th of October was the day of our annual Fun Walk. It was a bit different this year as there was no more dressing up in themes but the whole walk was based around friendship. Each year had a colour, Ty being yellow, and everyone had to wear a t-shirt in their given colour along with tracksuit bottoms. When we first heard about this change we wern't very happy because dressing up always made the Fun walk an eventful day, but it all worked out okay in the end :)
Each class had to pick a song based on the theme of friendship and make up a routine to perform. My class, Emnet picked 'We Go Together' from Grease and we made up a dance to go with it. We persuaded Mr.Lawlor to dress up as Sandy, this included wearing a skirt, tights and a wig :L He was very co-operative and made our dance very entertaining :L In the end we didn't win a prize but it wasn't about winning it was about having a good time with your classmates and we really did :)

Ciara Xxx

Monday, October 4, 2010

Junior Cert Results :)

The day we had all been dreading was finally here:/ Luckily for the past couple of days we were in Carlingford so the results weren't the first thing in our minds. We were waiting anxiously in class until 12:40 when we were called down to receive our results. We were told to line up in our classes from the year before, which was quite strange because we were starting to get used to our new Ty classes. One by one we were handed our envelopes  and everyone ran outside to the front of the school to open them. Most  of us were in bits, shaking so much :L I really didn't know what to expect but when I opened my envelope I was delighted (: After congratulating eachother, we were all ready to Partyy :D

We all went to Time that night everyone dressed up and looking gorgeous, I was so proud of all my friends with their amazing results :) It really was a night to remember and it's hard to believe after all the stressing and worrying that it's all over. I'm pretty glad to see the back of the oul Jc though :L
Being in Ty is such a great relief after all the stress of 3rd year and i'm so glad I decided to apply for Ty :D

Ciara Xxx

Carlingford, Day 2 (Y)

The next morning we were called at 8 oclock. We realised now that staying up the night before until around 2 in the morning eating sweets and talking didn't help this matter :L We were told that we had to be packed and ready to leave our rooms and go down for breakfast at 9 o'clock. It was a very panicked hour :L Somehow we all managed to be ready on time and we went downstairs to have breakfast before leaving the centre to do the high ropes. This was an amazing though frightening experience :L 

In the second half of the day we went on a long tiring orienteering course. By this time, we were all exhausted so we didn't enjoy this as much as we enjoyed the day before, but it was still something to remember with being chased by sheep and falling into puddles :L 

After thanking the instructors greatly for putting up with us for the two days, we left the centre and began worrying about our junior cert results that we would be receiving the next day :/ Nervous much? :L 
We were so thankful to Ms. O'Callaghan and Ms.Rowan for bringing us to Carlingford as we had such a great time and without them we couldn't have gone :)

I (L) TY :D

Ciara Xxx  

Carlingford, Day One :D

Carlingford. There's really only one word for this trip, AMAZING! We had all been looking forward to this trip since we started Ty and it was finally here. Our whole year including Ms.O'Callaghan and Ms.Rowan met up at Esso garage at 6:45 in the morning, early I know but soo worth it :L The big bus arrived at 7 and there was also a minibus. Luckily enough there was 12 seats in the minibus and there is 12 girls in our group so excitedly, despite it being 7 in the morning, we all climbed into the minibus ready for the journey.

After about a long hour and a half, we arrived at the tiny village of Carlingford. It was cold and rainy but we were still looking forward to the activities we would do that day. We all got our bags from the bus and walked to the adventure centre where we would be staying that night. Exhausted already, we all fell onto the big comfortable sofas in the 'common room' but we woke up when the instructors came in to talk to us. After explaining all the rules of staying there, we sorted ourselves into our rooms. We were again lucky that there was a room with 12 beds and we were ecstatic that our group of friends could all stay together without anyone being left out.

We put our bags into our rooms and emptied all our sweets into one of the drawers (it was bursting :L). We were looking forward to tucking into all that food that night (: We got changed into our old clothes and shoes before going downstairs and leaving the centre to start the activities. Throughout the day we did team work activities which were great fun and after a few hours of these we went back to the centre for lunch. 

After lunch we got ready for the water activities. We found out we were going canoeing and we were so excited. The canoeing was great, all I can say is PADDLLEEE :L:L After canoeing we did pier jumping. It was soo scary at first and I was refusing to jump off the high pier, but after some persuading by my friends I jumped off and was so happy I did. The adrenaline was unreal (:  After all of this we headed back to the centre and dived into dinner because we were so hungry.
 After dinner we went out on a walk, we couldn't believe how much we could fit into one day :L When we got back from the walk, Ms.O'C and Ms.R kindly brought us to the chinese to get supper and we sat in front of the fire in the centre eating it. It was a great day (:

Ciara Xxx

Beginning of Ty (Y)

On the first day of Ty, I had mixed feelings as I didn't know what to expect. I was nervous and apprehensive but also extremely excited (: When I got into school and after chatting with my friends about the summer we had, we all went downstairs to check which classes we had been put into. The whole year had been split into two classes, Emnet and Amina. Emnet is the class that do French and Amina do Spanish. They are both Ethiopian girls names, Emnet meaning faith and belief and Amina meaning trust and honesty. I was very happy with my class and was looking forward to getting to know my classmates better. 
In the first week we did a number of different things including a class development day which was great fun and we got introduced to new subjects that we had never done before. It was a completely new experience (: 
We were all enjoying these new different experiences but we could barely wait for the upcoming trip to Carlingford :D

Ciara Xxx