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Monday, November 1, 2010

Back To School...

Well we're back to school after the mid-term break, to be honest it feels like we never left :L Mid-term was great, lots of relaxation and a good Halloween. It was a scary movie overload, plenty of sleepless nights after seeing Paranormal Activity 2 :/ :L 
       We're back to working on our projects and next week we have a week of work experience which I can't wait for (: I'm going to Scoil Mochua from Monday to Thursday as they have a day off on Friday so i'm going to a playschool in Maynooth for the day. I'm hoping to be a teacher in the future so this experience will let me see what it's like as a job and will hopefully give me motivation to study hard and get the points needed for teaching college (about 479 at the moment :S) No pressure :L
     Ty is still going great, we're all settling in well and getting used to the swing of things. It's only 8 weeks until Christmas :D Time flies when you're having fun (Y)

Ciara Xxx